Working with graphpatch#

graphpatch is based on compiling PyTorch models into Graphs, exposing all intermediate Tensor operations. This process is recursive; every submodel is compiled into a subgraph within the final structure. Each intermediate operation is given a canonical name based on its position within the overall graph. We call such a name a NodePath because it identifies a path from the root of the graph through intermediate subgraphs. For example, a Tensor addition performed within a submodule named "foo" might be named "foo.add". Or for a real-world example used in the ROME demo,


selects the node named "linear" within the compiled graph of the "down_proj" submodule of the "mlp" submodule of the 9th layer of Llama.

Inspecting the graph structure#

Because the graph compilation is automatic, the names that are generated are not always intuitive. To make it easier to locate a specific operation within the Graph, PatchableGraph exposes a property graph that has various functionality to inspect the generated code and structure.

In IPython or Jupyter, you can tab-complete attributes on this object to select among the possible next nodes in the path. For example, if pg is a PatchableGraph wrapping your model:

In [1]: pg.graph.<TAB>

reveals all of the children of the root node in the graph. This works recursively; you can tab-complete attributes until reaching a leaf in the graph, at which point no completions will appear. You can also visualize the hierarchy rooted at the current node path by pressing enter. For example, for one of our models used in testing:

In [2]: tuple_pg.graph
<root>: Graph(5)
├─x: Tensor(3, 2)
├─linear: Graph(5)
│ ├─input: Tensor(3, 2)
│ ├─weight: Tensor(3, 2)
│ ├─bias: Tensor(3)
│ ├─linear: Tensor(3, 3)
│ └─output: Tensor(3, 3)
├─add: Tensor(3, 2)
├─linear_1: Graph(5)
│ ├─input: Tensor(3, 2)
│ ├─weight: Tensor(3, 2)
│ ├─bias: Tensor(3)
│ ├─linear: Tensor(3, 3)
│ └─output: Tensor(3, 3)
└─output: tuple(2)
  ├─sub_0: Tensor(3, 3)
  └─sub_1: Tensor(3, 3)

In [3]: tuple_pg.graph.linear
linear: Graph(5)
├─input: Tensor(3, 2)
├─weight: Tensor(3, 2)
├─bias: Tensor(3)
├─linear: Tensor(3, 3)
└─output: Tensor(3, 3)

Reviewing compiled code#

For many simple cases, such as module inputs and outputs, the generated node names will be intuitive. However, for intermediate operations, it may be non-obvious what is actually happening at a given node. For example, what is going on with tuple_pg.graph.add in the example above? To help understand the compiled graphs, each node in graph also exposes an attribute named _code. On subgraphs (or the root), this reveals the code that torch.compile() generated:

In [4]: pg.graph._code
def forward(self, x : torch.Tensor):
    linear = getattr(self.linear, "0")(x)
    add = x + 1;  x = None
    linear_1 = getattr(self.linear, "1")(add);  add = None
    return (linear, linear_1)

Most compile()-generated code has this structure, where each line consists of value assignments to variables with the same names as nodes in the graph. In this example, we can see that add is getting assigned to the module input plus a constant.

To further track down the context of a given operation, you can also inspect the _code of leaf nodes. This reveals the partial stack trace that torch.compile() maintained for us as it was compiling the original model code:

In [5]: pg.graph.add._code
File "/Users/evanlloyd/graphpatch/tests/fixtures/", line 16, in forward
    return (self.linear(x), self.linear(x + 1))

For submodule calls, _code reveals both the compiled submodule code and the context from the original model:

In [6]: pg.graph.linear._code
Calling context:
File "/Users/evanlloyd/graphpatch/tests/fixtures/", line 16, in forward
    return (self.linear(x), self.linear(x + 1))
Compiled code:
def forward(self, input : torch.Tensor):
    input_1 = input
    weight = self.weight
    bias = self.bias
    linear = torch._C._nn.linear(input_1, weight, bias);  input_1 = weight = bias = None
    return linear

Inspecting node shapes#

When constructing activation patches, it can be useful to know what shape is expected for a Tensor at the target node. You may have noticed in the examples above that graph’s REPL representation lists shape information next to each node. To get programmatic access to this information as a torch.Size value, you can use the _shape attribute on any node:

In [7]: pg.graph.linear.input._shape
Out[7]: torch.Size([3, 2])

Note that the listed shapes are those that were observed when running a forward pass on the model with the example inputs you passed to the PatchableGraph constructor. This shape may have depended on contingent factors of the example inputs, such as the batch dimension or number of tokens for a specific input. You will have to determine whether this is the case based on knowledge of the underlying model.

NodePath strings#

Any place graphpatch expects a NodePath, you can also provide a string constructed as the concatenation of node names, joined by dots. This can be handy for writing less verbose code when you’ve already identified the path to your desired patch target.

For example,

>>> with tuple_pg.patch({tuple_pg.graph.linear.output: [ZeroPatch()]):

is equivalent to

>>> with tuple_pg.patch({"linear.output": [ZeroPatch()]}):

In case the output at a given node is a container type (tuple, list, or dict), you can “dig” into that structure with an additional dot-joined path, separated from the node path with a literal “|”. In the case of tuples and lists, we refer to the element at index i as sub_i. (For dicts, just use the name of the key). For example, "output|sub_0.sub_1" would select the second element of the first element of the tuple at the node named “output”.

When using patch, an exception is thrown immediately if any node paths are invalid, such as referring to non-existent nodes, or if they do not specify a leaf node. Note that we do not consider nodes with container-typed outputs to be leaves; you should specify a dig path in such cases. Continuing with the tuple_pg example, this means that tuple_pg.graph.output (equivalently, "output") are not valid node paths (since the output is a tuple), but tuple_pg.graph.output.sub_0 (equivalently, "output|sub_0") are.